BET - A wager, an agreement between two parties that a stake (usually money) will be paid by the loser to the winner (the winner being the one who correctly forecast the outcome of an event).
BUT - Outside of.
OUT - Away from home or one's usual place, or not indoors.
TOE - Each of the five digits on the end of the foot.
TUB - A flat-bottomed vessel, of width similar to or greater than its height, used for storing or packing things, or for washing things in.
BOT - The larva of a bot fly, which infests the skin of various mammals, producing warbles, or the nasal passage of sheep, or the stomach of horses.
BOUT - A period of something, usually painful or unpleasant.
TUBE - Anything that is hollow and cylindrical in shape.
QUOTE - To refer to (part of) a speech that has been made by someone else.
BOUQUET - A bunch of flowers.