ARE - Second-person singular simple present tense of be.
EAR - The organ of hearing, consisting of the pinna, auditory canal, eardrum, malleus, incus, stapes and cochlea.
ERA - A time period of indeterminate length, generally more than one year.
RAD - Excellent, short for radical.
DARE - To have enough courage (to do something).
DEAR - Loved; lovable.
DEER - A beast, usually a quadruped as opposed to birds, fish, etc.
HARD - Resistant to pressure.
HARE - Any of several plant-eating animals of the family Leporidae, especially of the genus Lepus, similar to a rabbit, but larger and with longer ears.
HEAD - The part of the body of an animal or human which contains the brain, mouth, and main sense organs.
HEAR - To sympathize with; to share the feeling or opinion of.
HEED - Careful attention.
HERD - To unite or associate in a herd; to feed or run together, or in company.
HERE - This place; this location.
READ - A reading or an act of reading, especially an actor's part of a play.
REED - Any of various types of tall stiff perennial grass-like plants growing together in groups near water.
HEARD - Simple past tense and past participle of hear.
HEADER - The upper portion of a page (or other) layout.
ADHERE - To stick fast or cleave, as a glutinous substance does; to become joined or united; as, wax to the finger; the lungs sometimes adhere to the pleura.