ACT - Something done, a deed.
ARC - A directed edge.
ART - Human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature.
FAR - Remote in space.
FAT - A large tub or vessel for water, wine, or other liquids; a cistern.
ALT - A state of excitement, conveyed by a high pitched voice.
LAT - A Latvian coin and national monetary unit.
CALF - A young cow or bull.
CART - A small, open, wheeled vehicle, drawn or pushed by a person or animal, more often used for transporting goods than passengers.
FACT - Action; the realm of action.
FLAT - Having no variations in altitude.
RAFT - A flat structure made of planks, barrels etc., that floats on water, and is used for transport, emergencies or a platform for swimmers.
AFAR - At, to, or from a great distance; far away.
FRAT - Shortened form for fraternity, college organization. (Often used as a noun modifier.).
TALC - A soft mineral of a soapy feel and a greenish, whitish, or grayish color, usually occurring in foliated masses.
ALTAR - A table or similar flat-topped structure used for religious rites.
CRAFT - Strength; power; might.
FATAL - Proceeding from, or appointed by, fate or destiny.
CARAT - A unit of weight for precious stones and pearls, equivalent to 200 milligrams.
FRACTAL - A geometric figure that repeats itself under several levels of magnification, and that shows self-similarity on all scales.