DAY - Any period of 24 hours.
DRY - Free from liquid or moisture.
FAD - A phenomenon that becomes popular for a very short time.
FAR - Remote in space.
FRY - To cook (something) in hot fat.
RAY - A beam of light or radiation.
TAD - A small amount; a little bit.
TRY - To attempt. Followed by infinitive.
RAD - Excellent, short for radical.
AFT - The stern portion of a vessel.
DART - A pointed missile weapon, intended to be thrown by the hand; a short lance; a javelin; any sharp-pointed missile weapon, as an arrow.
FRAY - Affray; broil; contest; combat; brawl; melee.
RAFT - A flat structure made of planks, barrels etc., that floats on water, and is used for transport, emergencies or a platform for swimmers.
TRAY - Trouble; annoyance; anger.
YARD - A small, usually uncultivated area adjoining or (now especially) within the precincts of a house or other building.
FRAT - Shortened form for fraternity, college organization. (Often used as a noun modifier.).
ARTY - Pretending to artistic worth; high-flown.
DRAFT - An early version of a written work.
TARDY - Late; overdue or delayed.
DRAFTY - Characterized by gusts of wind; windy.